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Clan Brujah, Vampire as the Subversive Rebel

Clan Brujah, while nominally Camarilla, has stood in opposition to it ever since its inception. They claim that they ruled Carthage back in the day, and that the Ventrue of Rome grew jealous of their success, sacking their great city and dismantling their empire. But, hardly any of Clan Brujah know or really give a shit about that these days— the Camarilla represents an oppressive neo feudal hierarchy that rewards only the biggest bastards of the Kindred world, and Clan Brujah is there to remind everyone. Just don’t pay attention to the fact that in the Anarch states they’re involved in, they tend to replicate the very same systems of oppression they so hate.
Brujah tend to Sire from those who find themselves dispossessed by Mortal society. Active protestors, those involved in organized crime, especially angry queers, etc. Thanks to the literal generational difference between Sire and Childe however, there usually isn’t much they can relate to. A Brujah who killed Nazis in WWII probably won’t exactly get what a transgender punk is fighting for, but what really matters is whether they’ve got the fire they’re looking for.

In-Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Potence, Presence

(Bane): "Quick Temper" - Increase DC to Resist Frenzy in all situations by +2. You may never spend Willpower to avoid Frenzy.

Brujah Antitribu

Brujah Antitribu are what happens when you turn raging against the machine into just raging against anyone that happens to make you upset. While Antitribu claim that they do care about political issues on the global scale, they usually don’t know jack about the politics of the Jyhad, and definitely don’t know anything that’s going on in the Camarilla. Plus, challenging them on their claims usually ends up with you getting punched so hard you skip across the pavement.
This Bloodline began when the Brujah who originally helped start the Sabbat/Anarch situation just kinda… stuck around the Sabbat side of things. As they disconnected from the rest of “cultured” Kindred society, ignoring things like the Masquerade in favour of letting their Beast do its thing, they found themselves growing less and less tolerant of even the simplest of discourse. As a result, Dominate has become In-Clan for them in place of Presence, and their Bane has become far touchier than Camarilla Brujah.
Brujah Antitribu tend to Sire from anyone who can put up a fuckin’ fight. There’s nothing else to it, even if they say there is. If they can survive making the Brujah pissed off, they’re worthy of being turned into one of them. Strength should be rewarded with strength after all, and what’s stronger than a Kindred with Potence?

In-Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Dominate, Potence

(Bane): "Raging Temper" - You may never Resist Frenzy without intervention from Supernatural Powers, and you may never spend Willpower to avoid Frenzy.

Unique Advantages / Disadvantages

(5pt Advantage) "Camaraderie" - The Brujah treats the Obeah Discipline as being In-Clan for XP costs.
(5pt Advantage) "Righteous Fury" - The Brujah treats the Valeren Discipline as being In-Clan for XP costs.
(3pt Advantage) "Guided Missile" — By spending Willpower when Frenzying, the Brujah may instead increase their Physical Attributes as they would with Blood Points.
(2pt Advantage) Take the Edge off — The Brujah is able to soothe their Beast by smoking, drinking, or fucking. Engaging in one of these activities removes the restriction on spending Willpower to avoid Frenzy for the Scene.

(3pt Disadvantage) Pumped-Up — The Brujah’s Beast has made a habit of spending their Blood Points whenever it takes the reins. Every Frenzy, it will spend 3 Blood Points increasing each Attribute score by +1.
(4pt Disadvantage) Breaking Bottles — The Brujah’s Beast is an angry drunk, and is guaranteed to attempt to violently kill whatever it Feeds upon.